Nature / Fun Happenings
- March is National Peanut, Hockey, Nutrition, Noodle, Spiritual Wellness Woman’s History, Poison Prevention Colorectal Cancer Awareness and American Red Cross Month
- March 1 - 31: Project FeederWatch continues
- March 6: First Quarter Moon, March 14: Full Moon, March 22: Last Quarter Moon, March 29: New Moon
- March 1-7: Hearing Awareness Week
- March 1-16: Iditarod Dogsled Race
- March 2-8: National Procrastination Week
- March 9-15: Girl Scout Week
- March 16-22: American Chocolate and Agriculture Week
- March 18-21: Native American Awareness Week
- March 24-30: Shakespeare Week
- March 1: Mereological Spring
- March 2: Dr. Seuss Day and Academy Awards
- March 3: World Wildlife and Irish Whiskey Day
- March 4: Mardi Gras
- March 5: Ash Wednesday and National Cheetos Day
- March 6: World Book and Oreo Cookie Day
- March 7: Canton Township Established 1834
- March 8: International Woman’s Day
- March 9: Daylight Savings Time “spring forward”
- March 10: International Bagpipe Day
- March 11: Johnny Appleseed Day
- March 14: Pi (π) Day and Potato Chip Day
- March 15: Buzzard Day, the Ides of March and National Corn Dog Day
- March 16: National Panda Day
- March 17: St Patrick’s Day
- March 19: Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano Day
- March 20 Vernal Equinox - almost equal amounts of day and night. Exactly 5:02 am EDT
- March 20: World Frog Day
- March 21: World Sparrow Day
- March 22: National Goof Off Day
- March 23: National Puppy Day
- March 24: National Cocktail Day
- March 25: Medal Of Honor Day
- March 26: Make UP Your Own Holiday and Manatee Appreciation Day
- March 29: National Vietnam Veterans Day
- March 31: Starbucks and National Crayon Day
- Southwest winds bring migrating Turkey Vultures and hawks into the area.
- Common Loons begin to arrive in Northern Ontario in mid-March.
- Spring Peepers, Wood Frogs and Chorus Frogs begin calling late in the month.
- Sandhill Cranes can be seen migrating north.
- Killdeer and Great Blue Herons return from over-wintering in early March.
- Peak of spring waterfowl migration.
- Bald Eagles and Screech Owls are sitting on their eggs.
- Woodcocks are doing courtship flights in late March.
- Mourning Doves are nesting.
- Phoebe’s return late in the month.
- Goldfinches begin to molt into their brilliant yellow plumage.
- Hummingbirds begin their Northern Migration.
- Look for early waterfowl migrants such as Bufflehead, Common Goldeneyes and Redheads as lakes thaw.